The 2024 USAF MSC Association (MSCA) Biennial Membership Meeting (BMM) (Aka. Reunion, Education Session, Business Meeting)–Total Force Integration And Vietnam Era Veteran Commemoration–24-27 October 2024, Colorado Springs Marriott, 5580 Tech Center Drive Colorado Springs, Colorado.



Military medicine has been celebrated throughout history. The history of the USAF Medical Service Corps is long and distinguished. We trace our heritage to the early days of the Civil War when both the U.S. Army, the Army Medical Department, Army Physicians and Congress came to realize physicians were ill prepared to perform all tasks required of the Medical Department during wartime.

Unfortunately the contributions of the USAF Medical Service Corps to Air Force medicine, health administration and the nation are poorly documented. The USAF Medical Service Corps Association is building on the past efforts to document our corps history. We are reaching out to the USAF Medical Service Corps Office, USAF various history offices, the USAF Historical Research Center and many other information repositories.

Understanding history helps health professionals and leaders appreciate, learn and apply lessons of the past to improve the care of military personnel and their families today and in the future. Aspart of this effort we will be calling upon the association membership to assist in this endeavor

Our Plan

Ends: Discover the who, what, when, where, and why of the Corps’ legacy and history

1. Boldly go where others have neglected and feared to tread.
2. Search out, discover, assess, secure and store the history of the USAF Medical Service Corps for future generations.

Ways: Produce a series of publications leading to a major publication

1. Publish short articles, stories, and historical “tid bits” in the MSCA Newsletter, web pages, social network sites, official publications, and other channels.
2. Support the Corps’ 70th Anniversary of the USAF MSC
3. Publish an “Unofficial Official” History of the USAF Medical Service Corps: Civil War to the Present.

Means: Collect and curate available documents and conduct targeted interviews

1. Pioneering corps members; the more senior (aged) members to collect their perspectives and history and leadership
2. Specialists – logistics, RMO, Patient Affairs, Readiness, Aerovac, IM/IT
3. Unique missions and developmental and transformation activities – Contingency Hospital/CC; Operational Missions, COCOM Deputy Surgeons, and major strategic initiatives, health plan implementation, MHS transformation
4. Anything else of interest to our culture, legacy, and history!

How to Get Involved?

1. Contribute: Submit stories, letters, documents, artifacts, other of interest
2. Be Interviewed
3. Be part of the Interview Team
4. Help write MSC History
5. Empty and share your “Rat Packed” box of memorabilia
6. Suggest areas of research or persons to interview.
7. Volunteer to help in various capacities of the project.

Get Interviewed before Its Too late!!

For more information contact the MSCA Historian for more information: [email protected]

Most Members Agree!

The value of the services, development, and meeting opportunities exceed the cost of annual dues. If you’re eligible and want to be a member sign up today: LINK TO MEMBERSHIP PAGE here’s the current link:

Questions? Comments? Ideas?
Send your inquiry to [email protected]

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