The 2024 USAF MSC Association (MSCA) Biennial Membership Meeting (BMM) (Aka. Reunion, Education Session, Business Meeting)–Total Force Integration And Vietnam Era Veteran Commemoration–24-27 October 2024, Colorado Springs Marriott, 5580 Tech Center Drive Colorado Springs, Colorado.
The USAF MSC Association (MSCA) is a professional, non-profit association for current and former USAF Medical Service Corps (MSC) Officers since 1992. The MSCA is dedicated to serving members with a variety of services to sustain, honor, and preserve our culture, legacy, and history. The MSCA is point for all members and Corps Chief’s office on MSC for info sharing, advice, networking, history, career management advice, and leader development.
In 1991, several hundred retired Air Force MSC officers met at an ad hoc reunion organized by a group of dedicated San Antonio retirees. Many were “charter” MSCs, having transferred from the Army when our corps was established in 1949. Others were relative newcomers, younger and with different priorities. However, it quickly became clear the consensus supported creating a formal organization to promote the interests of MSC retirees.
Serve a diverse group of USAF MSCs (professional healthcare administrators) to sustain, honor, and preserve a culture of excellence, innovation, continuous improvement, and historical legacy
Aspire to be the #1 source to create a culture of collaboration, mentoring, information sharing, networking, advocacy, history, and family support in the federal health system domain
- Integrity: Foster a culture of integrity first in our members, officers, and board with uncompromising standards of conduct, transparency, and commitment as a foundation of trust
- Service: Committed to satisfying our diverse members needs with relevant services, communication, and outreach to convey a sense of pride, belonging and collegiality
- Excellence: Embrace continuous improvement, innovation, and proactive engagement from all sources to sustain positive spirals of accomplishments, performance, and teamwork
- Collaboration: Recognize the contributions of past and present members to achieve an environment compassion, caring, and development through respect, diversity, and leadership
Diversity Then
While initially established as an organization of retired Air Force MSC officers, bylaws amendments have opened the association to active duty and Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard MSCs. Because of the increased number of members from the USAFR and ANG, makeup of the Board of Directors includes an officer from these groups.
The bylaws were again amended to expand eligibility to all former Air Force MSCs. Surviving spouses of Corps members are also eligible for full membership. The Honorary Membership category is available to recognize worthy individuals who have contributed to the growth and momentum of the Air Force Medical Service Corps.
Diversity Today and the Future
No one comes close as country in the world so widely diverse, yet so deeply committed to being unified as the United States of America. The challenges we faced yesterday , today and in the future are far too serious. The implications of failure are too great for our Air Force to do less than fully and inclusively leverage our nation’s greatest strength—our remarkably diverse people.
While the Air Force leverages the diversity of background, experience, demographics, perspectives, thought and organization the USAF MSC Association is the Air Force’s wing person. We fly side-by-side with the Air Force and joint partners to contribute to their ultimate success. As airpower, joint health and leader development advocates, we support to need to be culturally competent and operationally relevant to accomplish the mission.
Membership has grown to over 1,000. In 1992, the USAF MSC Association was incorporated in the State of Georgia and approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a non-profit veterans’ organization. We serve as a focal point for communications with and among members for educational, leader development, career management, MSC history and interaction with the USAF MSC Corps Chief’s Office, advocacy and advice, social and recreational purposes.
Services: Members stay connected and informed with annual membership rosters, periodic newsletters with comprehensive content of interest to all members, opportunities to share their stories as part of the ongoing history project, life event and survivor support, and an interactive Facebook Group (must answer 3 questions):
Development: In 2020, we started professional development webinars via Zoom to help create future leaders and ensure members are current on their competencies and share experiences on career, family, and self-development. The MSCA also offers career management, mentoring, andnetworking services.
Meetings: We convene biennial membership meetings (reunions and education sessions) which have become excellent learning opportunities and an opportunity to renew acquaintances and enjoy old friends. Biennial Reunions and Education sessions have been held all over the USA including Las Vegas, Charleston, SC, San Antonio, Biloxi, Mississippi, St Louis, Washington DC, and Seattle. The Association also sponsors events such as the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) USAF MSC Dinner and Corps Chief events. Added to that are benefits derived from the reunions that are more and more becoming educational seminars featuring presentations by knowledgeable professions including the Surgeon General’s Office, the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA), and Defense Health Agency (DHA), Veteran’s Affairs, and other commercial and non-profit organizations.
CHECK Your Eligibility! If Eligible JOIN OR RENEW TODAY!
The value of the services, development, and meeting opportunities exceed the cost of annual dues.
Are you eligible?
- Active duty and Retired MSCs
- Former MSCs
- Reserve and Guard MSCs
- Surviving spouses of MSC members
Renewals: If you are a MEMBER, login to your account a renew.
Special Offers:
1. Member promotees and retirees in the grade of 04—06 may receive a 1-year complementary membership but must notify the membership team within 90 days of the effective date.
2. Non-member promotees and retirees in the grade of 04—06 may receive a two-year membership for the price of an annual membership but must notify the membership team within 90 days of the effective date.
Send inquiries to [email protected]
If you’re eligible and want to be a member (or renew) sign up today:
If you have any questions, you can inquire at [email protected]